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Friday, April 1, 2011

I Hadn’t Really Thought About It That Way

Four Weddings was watching the other night (Friday, 10:00, 09:00 central on TLC) and was very intrigued by a couple: Rachel and Brad. They were the actors who put together a wedding and not gloriously OTT. There were bagpipes and air horns at least an acrobat, and handfasting done with bright ribbons, and the groom vowing never to smoke another cigarette. In fact, Mr. Twisties and I agree that was one that wanted to could have gone to ... and when the gentleman Twisties so enthusiastic about a wedding to want to be there, well, you know it's a party.

Anyway, one of the most unconventional decisions and Brad fact that Rachel was going to have their wedding rings tattooed instead of going the most common route of buying metal bands. Okay. It is not my thing, but then hands me wig out on an epic level. Twistie sir, too. We are happy that we live in a universe where the needles never, never, never inserted into human flesh. But it was not our decision to make. It was the decision by Brad and Rachel, and chose to have ink on their hands.
In the opening interview, Rachel spoke of how much more convenient, this is because you do not accidentally lose your ring. After all, a marriage that is supposed to life. She called it "more functional.

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